Box Design and Sampling
We can assist with any new packaging concept that requires a standard or bespoke box or carton to be designed around a particular product.
All we require is a brief from you and we will produce a sample box or carton based around the information provided.
First Impressions are the key factor of any product at Point Of Sale and Box Litho are experts in this field having helped numerous clients achieve their ultimate style of packaging.
An area which we are especially educated in is the use of Microflute or F flute and the benefits it can give over other products available in the market place.
(Less weight to ratio than the equivalent micron Solid Board)
(Minimal flute shadow increasing product and brand awareness)
(Reduction of Pack sizes whilst retaining strength)
If you would like to discuss Microflute in more detail, please feel free to contact us and we look forward to assisting you.
We are always on hand to visit you at your premises to discuss your requirements and please feel free to email us or phone us in order to arrange a meeting at a time of convenience to you.